Thursday, May 5, 2011



"Calamity Jane Color Sketch"

"Whaling Days"

Calamity Jane is nearing the end of production although it seems there is no end in sight to the work. Somehow it will all come together. Right now I am working on mouth shapes that are needed for lip synch and some critters and foreground elements. In the few hours that I find to myself, I've been experimenting with opaque paints. I am pretty well versed in Watercolor, but have always been afraid of the opacity of gouache, so I thought it was time to face my fear. Wouldn't you know it? I fell in love with opaque colors. Can't wait to get working more with them on my off time. All the work I am doing now that is not short related will be going into my next book (portfolio) no matter how crappy the sketch, if it shows process then I want it in there. The three pieces above were relatively quick studies, The first piece is one of my iterations for Mole from The Wind In The Willows. I am working several thumbnails in my sketchbook based on this character and I'll definitely update the blog with whatever I come up with. The second one is a general color sketch for the short, the third and final piece is a little tribute to the production crew working on Calamity. An effort that goes by the name of Whaling Days; We are the whalers surmounting all odds no matter how dire... Keep an eye out, there will be a whole lot more work coming soon!