Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Moley: Re-iteration

I did this iteration of Mole a little while ago on a piece of scratch paper... I'm liking the direction.  Its a lot simpler somewhat sloppier and quirkier.  I like to think that the animals from the Willow Glen tailor their own fashions from scrap pieces, therefore their clothes are somewhat ill fitting.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Its Been a While...

Sherlock and the Black Pearl of the Borgias

Well, its been way too long since I last posted, but that's not out of laziness... In October of last year, I got my first job as a concept artist and of course I hit the ground running, doing drawings primarily for work.  Its been a challenge carving out time to work on my own personal projects, but I've managed to get some sketching time in here and there.  I hope to keep up the blog as much as possible by creating little drawing challenges for myself every week.  While the above doodle took a little while to color (primarily because of time limitations) I initially sketched it out in about 20 minutes.  If I can at least get one character drawing in a week, I'll be happy.  Then maybe as I get back into practice in I'll start actually doing some illustrations.  This here is my re-iteration of Sherlock Holmes from "The Six Napoleons."  Maybe I'll do Moriarty next?